Three Tips For Your First Visit To Your Plastic Surgeon

Posted on: 9 August 2016


Your local cosmetic surgeon provides an array of services to help get you looking and feeling your best. These services can range from botox to give you a more youthful appearance, to body sculpting procedures that will give you the shape you've always wanted, to tattoo removal services that will help you get rid of that unwanted ink and bring your skin's natural beauty back to life. If you are planning your first visit to the plastic surgeon for a consultation, the following tips will help you be prepared to obtain the procedures that will boost your self-esteem.

Know What You Want

Before your visit your plastic surgeon (like Cusenz Bruce MD ) for the first time, it is important to have in mind the results you are trying to achieve. You may want to get rid of that "belly pooch" that developed after you had children or gained and lost weight. You may be looking to reduce fine lines and wrinkles on your face, or reduce the appearance of your chin. Whatever you are looking to accomplish, have that in mind before you go. But don't be too set on one procedure; your plastic surgeon may suggest other procedures that will achieve your desired goals with less work or monetary investment.

Have Financing Options in Mind

You should also have a plan for how to pay for your cosmetic surgery procedures. In the majority of cases, many insurance companies don't cover elective cosmetic surgery procedures. You may get lucky and have a great insurance program that will pay for the procedures you want to have done. If you don't have insurance, consider your other forms of payment. Some patients choose to pay with cash while other patients have a credit card ready and waiting to help them pay for the procedures they want. Your surgeon may offer in-house financing options, or they may be partnered with a credit card program that offers low-cost financing for medical procedures. 

Be Prepared for Multiple Sessions

Some patients are disappointed when they visit the cosmetic surgeon, hoping to have all the work they need to be finished up in one session. However, most procedures require multiple sessions to achieve the results the patient desires. Be open to a treatment plan that takes a few weeks (or even months) to accomplish what you are looking to have done. This will give you realistic expectations and help you avoid disappointment when your surgeon recommends a treatment plan.